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Woman standing in front of a gray fence holding two paintings
塔雷萨·伯利,蒙大拿州哈弗尔的粮食行政助理., poses with some of her artwork.

Employee spotlight: Taresa Burleigh

粮食行政助理Taresa Burleigh用艺术作为探索蒙大拿生活的人和场景的一种方式.
Sep 6, 2023

多年来,塔丽莎·伯利(Taresa Burleigh)开车经过蒙大拿州Havre的CHS Big Sky谷物升降机., when visiting the town to shop or visit friends and family.

"I always thought, ‘Someday I’d love to work there,’” says Burleigh, 她于2020年开始担任勒阿弗尔采购办公室的粮食行政助理. “I never expected that I’d actually get a job here. It’s definitely a dream come true.”

Burleigh’s roots run deep in the region. 她在祖父母在蒙大拿州刘易斯敦附近购买的一个牧场长大., on Big Spring Creek, a popular fly-fishing destination. 1949年,著名的曼恩峡谷大火烧毁了他们的部分土地后,她的家人卖掉了他们以前在霍尔特湖的牧场. She spent a lot of time outdoors as a child, she says, learning about the plants, animals and geology of the region.

这些早期的经历塑造了伯利从事农业工作的愿望. “It’s a rugged lifestyle and it’s not easy work,” she says. “Working at CHS, 我总是想起我从哪里来,以及如何为这个家族遗产感到自豪.”

Outside of work, she’s always been interested in art, 回到童年时代,她的母亲在蒙大拿州立大学学习艺术课程,并带着伯利去上课. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, 绘画帮助伯利克服了恐惧和焦虑, she says.

“I felt lost. I needed an outlet to be able to stabilize myself,” she says. “Art became therapy.”

她的艺术作品探索了蒙大拿生活中的人物和场景:野花, classic farm tractors, meandering streams, and ranchers wearing overalls and cowboy hats.

她的父亲和母亲都为保护家庭牧场周围的自然土地和澳门皇冠赌场平台免受采矿和开发而斗争. Her art, she says, 尊重他们养育和保护的土地,并帮助她与下一代建立联系.

“There’s flowers that I used to pick that I no longer see, 还有从山坡上流出的泉水,现在已经不在那里了,” she says. “我可以把这样的回忆放进一件艺术品里,与我的侄女和侄子们分享.”

伯利在画布上结合了技术和传统颜料来创作她的艺术, which she sells and also shares with friends and coworkers. 她说她一直在学习新技术,掌握手机和iPad上的新应用程序. “If I find something that’s difficult for me to do, that’s the thing I want to work on and try to improve,” she says.

当她在皇冠hga010安卓二维码的内部社交网络上发布了她的农业主题作品时,她很高兴得到了CHS同事的大量支持和鼓励——其中大多数人她从未见过面. 她说,这也是她在CHS工作感觉像是梦想成真的另一个原因.



2021 Mixed media: digital, acrylic and marker.

"In the CHS Big Sky office in Havre, Mont., we have an old Emerson dockage tester. 我决定在测试者面前放一些花,并以熊掌山为背景拍了几张照片. I was just learning how to play around with Adobe Sketch, where I could draw the tester and subtle details around it. 在画布上打印出草图后,我做了最后的润色."



This enhanced photo of a grain car waiting to be filled, 它创作于2021年,目前陈列在Havre谷物办公室, won a blue ribbon at the Blaine County (Mont.) Fair in August 2023.

"My mom often took me to art museums in the early 1980s. On our drive to Bozeman from Lewistown, 我注意到火车车厢上的涂鸦,并向妈妈指出它看起来像一个移动的艺术博物馆."


Color enhanced photo of a grain elevator 


“我通过几个Adobe创意应用程序来制作这个,以获得更有艺术性的视图. This was taken in the height of our 2021 snow season. As you can see, it was a drought year."


Nature's Bouquet, created in acrylic in 2021, won a blue ribbon at the Blaine County Fair in August 2023.

“我开始了一系列的绘画,我把丙烯酸颜料倒在一张画布上,然后把多张画布压在上面,这样每张画布都有自己的印象. 从那时起,我开始在没有任何形式或想法的情况下创作这幅画. 一旦我开始看到一些东西成型,我就会尽我所能把它发扬光大. 右上方让我想起了草原番红花的背面,这是我最喜欢的花. 每年春天,我和父亲都会赛跑去寻找第一朵花开的花. 左下角让我想起了流星,我妈妈最喜欢的花. 有想起爷爷小花园里的草莓,还有牧场屋后松林里野生的覆盆子. There is also a fish, snail shell, bee, snake, butterfly, robin egg, peacock feather that turns into a fishhook and lavender stems."



“兰斯是我们的粮食运营经理,他让我们的顾客开心,每年都回来. 他的办公室里装饰着各种牌子和型号的玩具拖拉机. 我从当地的工艺品商店里剪下一块块碎块,把它们叠在一起. 丙烯酸涂料会渗入并扩散,但最终会给一辆从长满草的山上滚下的旧拖拉机带来一种独特的味道. I especially like how the exhaust turned out."

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